Blood Health Supplements


      Blood health is foundational to overall well-being, influencing everything from energy levels to cognitive function. Essential nutrients like Vitamin B12, Magnesium Taurate, and Folic Acid play a crucial role in maintaining healthy blood. Vitamin B12 is vital for red blood cell formation and neurological function, Magnesium Taurate supports cardiovascular health and muscle function, and Folic Acid is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. Together, these nutrients ensure your blood is healthy and your body functions optimally. Discover our range of supplements designed to support and enhance blood health, helping you maintain peak vitality and wellness.

      3 products

      Blood health is crucial for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, removing waste products, and supporting the immune system. Maintaining healthy blood ensures that every cell in the body receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function optimally. Essential nutrients like Vitamin B12, Magnesium Taurate, and Methylfolate play significant roles in supporting various aspects of blood health.

      Vitamin B12: Essential for Red Blood Cell Formation

      Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin crucial for the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of the nervous system. It helps in the synthesis of DNA and the production of myelin, the protective sheath around nerves.

      Key Benefits of Vitamin B12:

      Red Blood Cell Production: Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of healthy red blood cells, which transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

      Prevents Anaemia: Adequate B12 levels prevent megaloblastic anaemia, a condition characterized by large, abnormal red blood cells that can’t carry oxygen efficiently.

      Neurological Health: Supports nerve health and function, preventing neurological disorders.

      Energy Levels: Helps convert food into energy, reducing fatigue and boosting overall energy levels.

      Magnesium Taurate: Supporting Cardiovascular Health

      Magnesium is a vital mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, and when combined with taurine, it creates Magnesium Taurate, which is particularly beneficial for cardiovascular health and blood pressure regulation.

      Key Benefits of Magnesium Taurate:

      Heart Health: Supports healthy heart function and rhythm, reducing the risk of arrhythmias.

      Blood Pressure Regulation: Helps maintain normal blood pressure levels by relaxing blood vessels.

      Muscle Function: Supports muscle function, including the heart muscle, and prevents muscle cramps.

      Stress Reduction: Taurine has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, which can impact cardiovascular health.

      Methylfolate: Bioavailable Form of Folic Acid

      Methylfolate, also known as L-5-MTHF (5-Methyltetrahydrofolate), is the bioavailable form of folic acid that is easily absorbed and utilised by the body. It is essential for DNA synthesis, cell division, and the formation of red blood cells.

      Key Benefits of Methylfolate:

      DNA Synthesis and Repair: Essential for the creation and repair of DNA, ensuring proper cell division and growth.

      Red Blood Cell Formation: Works with Vitamin B12 to produce healthy red blood cells, preventing anaemia.

      Pregnancy Support: Critical for foetal development, reducing the risk of neural tube defects.

      Heart Health: Helps lower homocysteine levels, an amino acid linked to cardiovascular diseases.

      Combining Nutrients for Optimal Blood Health

      Combining Vitamin B12, Magnesium Taurate, and Methylfolate can provide comprehensive support for blood health. Here's how they work together:

      Enhanced Red Blood Cell Production: Vitamin B12 and Methylfolate together support the production of healthy red blood cells, preventing anaemia and ensuring efficient oxygen transport.

      Cardiovascular Support: Magnesium Taurate and Methylfolate contribute to heart health by regulating blood pressure and reducing homocysteine levels.

      Improved Energy Levels: Adequate Vitamin B12 and Magnesium levels help convert food into energy, combating fatigue and supporting overall vitality.

      Neurological Health: Vitamin B12 and Magnesium Taurate both support nerve function, reducing the risk of neurological disorders and promoting a healthy nervous system.

      Who Can Benefit from These Supplements?

      These supplements can benefit anyone looking to improve their blood health, particularly:

      Individuals with Anaemia: Those suffering from Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia.

      Pregnant Women: Methylfolate is crucial for foetal development.

      Older Adults: At risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency due to decreased absorption.

      Individuals with Cardiovascular Concerns: Magnesium Taurate supports heart health and blood pressure regulation.

      Those with High Stress Levels: Magnesium Taurate helps reduce stress and its impact on cardiovascular health.

      Choosing the Right Supplements

      When selecting blood health supplements, it is essential to choose high-quality products that ensure optimal absorption and efficacy. Look for Vitamin B12 in its methylcobalamin form, which is more easily absorbed by the body. For Magnesium Taurate, ensure it is combined with taurine for maximum cardiovascular benefits. Choose Methylfolate to ensure proper absorption and utilisation of folic acid.


      The best supplements for liver health include milk thistle, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and dandelion root. Milk thistle contains silymarin, which has been shown to protect liver cells from toxins and support liver regeneration. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps detoxify the liver and protect it from oxidative stress. Dandelion root supports liver function by increasing bile production, which aids in digestion and the elimination of toxins.

      These supplements work by enhancing the liver's natural detoxification processes and protecting liver cells from damage. Clinical studies have demonstrated that these supplements can improve liver enzyme levels, reduce inflammation, and support liver repair. However, their effectiveness can vary based on individual health conditions and lifestyle factors. Functional medicine practitioners often recommend these supplements as part of a comprehensive approach to liver health, which includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

      Milk thistle is one of the most well-researched supplements for liver health. The active compound in milk thistle, silymarin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help protect liver cells from damage and support their regeneration. Studies have shown that milk thistle can be beneficial for various liver conditions, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

      While milk thistle is generally safe for most people, taking it in large amounts can lead to potential side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, headaches, and skin reactions. It is important to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have a pre-existing liver condition or are taking other medications.

      Vitamins and nutrients essential for liver repair and function include vitamin E, vitamin C, B vitamins, and selenium. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver. Vitamin C supports collagen production, essential for liver tissue repair, and also acts as an antioxidant.

      B vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and folate, are crucial for liver function as they play a role in methylation, a process necessary for detoxification. Selenium is a trace mineral that supports the production of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects the liver from damage.

      Including these vitamins and nutrients in your diet, either through food or supplements, can support liver health and aid in the repair of liver damage. Foods rich in these nutrients include nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and whole grains. For more information, you can read about the nutritional values of top foods.

      Repairing liver damage naturally involves a combination of diet and lifestyle changes. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, fibre, and healthy fats can support liver health. Key foods include leafy green vegetables, berries, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Avoiding processed foods, excessive alcohol, and added sugars is also crucial.

      Regular exercise helps reduce liver fat and inflammation, promoting overall liver health. Maintaining a healthy weight is particularly important for those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Hydration is also key; drinking plenty of water aids in the detoxification process.

      Additionally, reducing stress through activities like yoga, meditation, and adequate sleep can positively impact liver health. Functional medicine practitioners often recommend a holistic approach, combining these lifestyle changes with targeted supplements to enhance liver repair and function. For more insights on detoxifying your body, check out our guide on how to detox from air pollution.

      The best foods and drinks to support liver health and detoxification include green tea, garlic, turmeric, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Green tea is rich in catechins, antioxidants that help reduce liver fat and inflammation. Garlic contains allicin and selenium, which support liver detoxification processes.

      Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect the liver. Cruciferous vegetables enhance the production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

      Incorporating these foods and drinks into your diet can help maintain a healthy liver and support its natural detoxification processes. Additionally, staying hydrated with water and herbal teas is essential for flushing out toxins and supporting liver function. For more tips on healthy eating, visit our blog on the healthiest vegetables.