What’s the deal with Vegan Glucosamine?

If you’re searching for a joint care remedy you’ve probably come across glucosamine by now. Often found in joint care formulas as well as on its own, glucosamine is a popular supplement for stiff joints, sports injuries, and osteoarthritis. But what exactly is it, and what makes our Vegan Glucosamine different from other brands of glucosamine? Let’s get into the science behind vegan glucosamine and explore its many benefits for your health and the environment.

What are the benefits of glucosamine?

Glucosamine has a well-deserved reputation for managing joint pain and supporting cartilage function and joint mobility. It is usually taken to help with:

  • Osteoarthritis (also known as “wear-and-tear” arthritis), especially in the knees and other weight bearing joints.

  • Sports injuries.

  • Stiff joints.

The body uses glucosamine to make glycosaminoglycans, a key component of joint tissues like cartilage and ligaments, and the synovial fluid that keeps joints lubricated. 

Glucosamine promotes healthy cartilage function and is thought to ease joint inflammation by suppressing the NLRP3 inflammasome, part of the immune system that activates inflammation in response to joint damage [1]. 

Much of the research around glucosamine has mixed results due to varying dosages, small sample sizes, and other methodology limitations. 

However, a 2023 review [2] examining 15 randomized controlled trials using 1500mg glucosamine a day concluded that glucosamine:

  • Significantly reduces pain scores compared to a placebo.

  • Improves knee stiffness and physical function.

  • Is safe and well tolerated with no serious side effects.

Another review highlighted the benefits of glucosamine for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis [3]. The results showed that supplementing with glucosamine for 3 months or longer produced a significant reduction in TMJ pain and a significant improvement in mouth opening ability. 

Is glucosamine a natural anti-inflammatory?

Yes, but not in the same way as conventional painkillers. New research points towards the effect of glucosamine on the NLRP3 inflammasome but much of what we know about NLRP3 comes from animal studies and further human research is needed [4]. 

For all-round joint support our Vegan Glucosamine can be safely used alongside more established anti-inflammatory remedies like Turmeric Curcumin and Omega 3.

Can I get glucosamine from foods?

No, glucosamine is not easy to obtain from foods. The main food source of glucosamine is in chitin, found in the outer shells of crustaceans like lobster, crab, prawn, and shrimp. These shellfish are used to make most of the glucosamine supplements available today. 

What is GlucosaGreen®?

We’ve opted to use GlucosaGreen® in our Vegan Glucosamine. It’s a pure, vegan-friendly, environmentally sustainable alternative to shellfish-based glucosamine, that provides all the health benefits you expect from this product.

Most glucosamine on the market today is derived from chitin found in shellfish shells. The shells are broken down by different acid and alkaline chemicals to extract and split the chitin into glucosamine. This leaves behind large amounts of harmful landfill waste and toxic waste water.

GlucosaGreen® uses glucose extracted from non-GMO corn as the raw starting material. The glucose is then fermented to produce glucosamine. The process is clean, efficient, sustainable, and fully traceable, with minimal environmental impact.

Other plant-based forms of glucosamine are derived from Aspergillus niger, a type of fungi rich in chitin. This process creates even more landfill waste and offers only a marginal improvement in water use.


Why choose vegan glucosamine over shellfish glucosamine?

Caring for your health and our planet are some of our core values here at Ethical Nutrition. Choosing a vegan version of glucosamine fits our ethos perfectly because of:

  • Environmental sustainability: our Vegan Glucosamine is made from a sustainably produced, non-GMO, raw starting material. No toxic chemicals are used, and there’s no damage to our oceans and sea life.

The production process uses 99.9% less water than conventional glucosamine production from shellfish and creates 98% less landfill waste.

  • Zero risk of shellfish contamination or allergens. Anyone with a sensitivity or allergy to shellfish can safely take our Vegan Glucosamine.

  • Our product is kosher-friendly and Vegan Society-approved.

Which is better for arthritis, glucosamine or omega 3?

Both these supplements can be helpful for managing arthritis because their different modes of action complement one another.

The omega 3 oils EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are used by the body to build anti-inflammatory messenger molecules called prostaglandins. These molecules help the body deal with inflammation.

On the other hand, glucosamine provides the building blocks for glycosaminoglycans, a component of joint tissues and joint lubricating fluid. 

Together, omega 3 and glucosamine provide comprehensive support to stiff, sore, and damaged joints. 

Does Vegan Glucosamine have any side effects or contraindications?

When taken as directed our Vegan Glucosamine is well tolerated. Vegan Glucosamine has a lower risk of side effects compared to shellfish glucosamine because there is no risk of shellfish sensitivity or allergy. 

Some people may experience mild nausea, headache, bloating, or changes in bowel movements but this should be temporary.


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  1. Chiu, H., Li, L., Hsieh, C., Rao, Y. K., Chen, F., Chen, A., Ka, S., & Hua, K. 2019. Glucosamine inhibits IL-1β expression by preserving mitochondrial integrity and disrupting assembly of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-42130-z 

  2. Vo, N. X., Le, N. N., Chu, T. D., Pham, H. L., Dinh, K. X., Che, U. T., Ngo, T. T., & Bui, T. T. 2023. Effectiveness and Safety of Glucosamine in Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Pharmacy, 11(4), 117. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy11040117 

  3. Derwich, M., Górski, B., Amm, E., Pawłowska, E. 2023. Oral Glucosamine in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 3;24(5):4925. doi: 10.3390/ijms24054925. PMID: 36902359; PMCID: PMC10003243. 

  4. Chen, Y., Ye, X., Escames, G., Lei, W., Zhang, X., Li, M., Jing, T., Yao, Y., Qiu, Z., Wang, Z., Acuña-Castroviejo, D., & Yang, Y. 2023. The NLRP3 inflammasome: contributions to inflammation-related diseases. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 28(1), 51. https://doi.org/10.1186/s11658-023-00462-9